Meet Anu

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Executive Board Member

Pierre always recognized the importance of trying to have fun and maintain quality of life, and I hope to continue his goals in this direction as part of the Board.

Anu did his undergraduate at the University of Texas at Austin and medical school at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston before transitioning to Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland for pediatrics residency. He was inspired by the resilience of the children and families dealing with a cancer diagnosis while in residency and pursued a career in pediatric oncology, continuing his training in Oakland for fellowship. 

He has always retained an interested in international work and spent over two years working in Africa, in Lesotho and Botswana, as part of the Baylor International Pediatrics AIDS Initiative treating children with HIV as well as blood disorders and cancer. He currently practices clinical oncology and transplant in Oakland with emphasis in supportive care and early phase therapeutics. He also is continuing his international work with ongoing projects in hematology and oncology in Southeast Asia. Anu enjoys outdoor activities including sailing, hiking and biking as well as traveling and spending time with friends. 

Anu met Pierre while he was receiving treatment in Oakland and will always remember the intellectual conversations they had together as well as his strength during his cancer journey -"Pierre always recognized the importance of trying to have fun and maintain quality of life, and I hope to continue his goals in this direction as part of the Board."